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Breathe Magazine – Issue 36


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Most people have their creature comforts, those small but significant things that lift the spirits, ease the mind and bring joy. They can make life bearable, even when the world seems unkind, hostile or unknowable.
It’s easy to assume that such comforts are, by definition, material – plush bed linen atop the perfect mattress, a cosy chair in a bay window, tea in a delicate china cup. But they can also be ethereal. Just as one person’s day might be undone if there’s no working radio in the house, another’s might feel incomplete without a walk in the park, heart full of hope that the birds will be on song and the wind will be dancing through the trees. These fleeting moments, never guaranteed, often provide as much succour as any permanent material fixture.
When life becomes particularly burdensome, however, many find  reassurance in shared experiences. Knowing others have walked a similar path and survived is both encouraging and soothing as well as a timely reminder to appreciate the importance of all personal triumphs over adversity, no matter how inconsequential they might seem at the time.
Sometimes, though, the greatest comfort comes from helping others, whether that’s through unprejudiced listening or no-strings-attached practical solutions. And never forget that a few kind words – to friend, foe or even stranger – might, on occasion, be one of those ethereal moments that bring much-needed comfort to a hopeful heart.

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