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Teen Breathe Magazine – Issue 37


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In this issue: Kind questions • You can work it out • Side by side • Salute the sun • All dressed up… • Words for wellbeing • From dusk ’til dawn • Bubble vision • Something out of nothing

Studies have shown that the average person speaks around 16,000 words each day. That’s more than 100,000 a week. Some words will be carefully chosen while others might fly out without a second thought. But language has a big impact, whether you’re speaking to others or thinking internally about yourself.

To make that impact constructive, reflect on forms of expression that feel good. Making gentle enquiries in conversation, for example, shows friends and family how much you value them. And talking through worries with someone you trust often clarifies your thoughts and makes you feel listened to and supported.

Of course, no one has time to plan every sentence and sometimes words can seem uncaring. It’s upsetting if someone you’ve confided in responds to your concerns with a dismissive remark, or if a friend cancels plans with a curt message or makes a joke that hurts your feelings.

But even when dialogue is difficult, it’s still the surest way to set things right. Choosing phrases that keep communication flowing allows everyone to have their say and often strengthens relationships.

Putting thoughts into words can be a great way to help with understanding yourself too.

Whether you’re jotting ideas for the future, planning an important conversation or reflecting on happy memories, getting your feelings down on paper creates a sense of calm. And reading back what you’ve written is a useful reminder to speak kindly to yourself.

Cover Illustration: Laura Lhuillier

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