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Woodturning – Issue 375


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In issue 375 of Woodturning magazine we have lots for you to enjoy, beginning with our Guest Editor, Les Symonds, who welcomes you to the issue; turns a table-centre candelabra; profiles steampunk turner Nick Simpson, aka Professor Bergenstrauser; and discusses the rebrand of the Register of Professional Turners.

In Projects, Andy Coates reproduces a Kempston pot; Kevin Alviti turns a honey dipper; Andrew Potocnik uses a halving technique to make a blackwood and maple box; John Hawkswell turns a yew log into a natural edge finial box; Jim Duxbury creates a bud vase using salvaged glass ampoules; Sue Harker turns an Art Deco-style yo-yo vase; and Mike Stafford makes a platter to highlight the texture and colour of a piece of ambrosia maple.

In our Techniques section, Pat Carroll has a beginner’s guide to grain direction; Janice Levi explores surface enhancement using plastic pony beads; Kurt Hertzog answers readers’ questions; Adrian Jacobs explains how to use Jesmonite; and Mark Palma offers some sage advice about discipline when it comes to measuring on the lathe.

In Features, Richard Findley talks twists, catches, steam trains and web building in his latest workshop diary; in Tales from the Headstock, John Holloway dissects his copy of Woodturning; and Pete Moncrieff-Jury ponders the sequence of events in the creative process of turning.

Plus we have the latest news from the woodturning community and a sneak peek of our next issue.

All this and more in Woodturning 375!

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